Cant find file to read, pre-render. Builds locally but fails on netlify

for magical-fox-5733ff

10:31:05 AM: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/opt/build/repo/src/pages/compiledcairo/ricks.json’

my login doesn’t allow me to paste the entire build log. But you could look at the app I suppose.

Hey @FawadHa1der,

Looking at the latest deploy, it seems to be a different error: Netlify App. Do you still need help with this one?

Yes please take a look at the latest logs, the error is back. I would really appreciate the help

Hey @FawadHa1der,

Could you please open a different thread for a different error? But to do that, you’d have to take a closer look at the log lines. When you say “the error is back”, but the error turns out to be majorly different than the previous one, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to continue the discussion in this same thread and pollute it, as someone else might come here tin search of the issue you wrote in for, and would be disappointed.

In any case, there’s something wrong happening during Yarn install: Netlify App. Did you try clearing your package-lock.json file? Or try building without cache?

I do apologize, new errors masked the other one. I still have the same issue

10:31:05 AM: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/opt/build/repo/src/pages/compiledcairo/ricks.json’

my login doesn’t allow me to paste the entire build log.

I am using getStaticProps to load up the files and pass them and thats where the issue is. If I do a direct import via the import statement it does not give me build issues but that opens another can of worms. So I would really appreciate some help here.

The problem is due to: