Netlify site name: elaborate-cactus-b60dfa
(I did use Ask Netlify, it didn’t give me any good response)
Hi, I’m completely unable to deploy my site using the CLI, both to staging and production. Out of the last 15 attempts, it succeeded only 1 time.
For PROD, I execute:
netlify deploy --build --prod --context production --filter gatographql
Then it compiles the Nextjs project alright, and it gets stuck at “Uploading blobs to deploy store…” for some 10 minutes:
…then it exits with the error message.
This is the complete log:
> netlify deploy --build --prod --context production --filter gatographql
Netlify Build
❯ Version
@netlify/build 29.56.1
❯ Flags
accountId: 5d2493d0f99b1fd0bd186e38
packagePath: apps/gatographql
❯ Current directory
❯ Config file
❯ Context
❯ Using Next.js Runtime - v5.9.2
build.command from netlify.toml
$ npm run build -w gatographql
> gatographql@0.1.0 build
> export $(cat .env | xargs) && NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192 next build
▲ Next.js 14.2.18
- Environments: .env
Creating an optimized production build ...
Generated 410 documents in .contentlayer
✓ Compiled successfully
✓ Linting and checking validity of types
✓ Collecting page data
✓ Generating static pages (245/245)
✓ Collecting build traces
✓ Finalizing page optimization
Route (app) Size First Load JS
┌ ○ / 32.6 kB 1.64 MB
├ ○ /_not-found 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ○ /about 5.94 kB 139 kB
├ ƒ /api/deploy-algolia 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /architecture 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ● /architecture/[slug] 158 B 124 kB
├ ├ /architecture/cms-agnosticism
├ ├ /architecture/code-first
├ ├ /architecture/dataloading-engine
├ └ [+12 more paths]
├ ○ /blog 5.66 kB 116 kB
├ ● /blog/[slug] 431 B 129 kB
├ ├ /blog/introducing-headless-wordpress-without-wordpress
├ ├ /blog/released-v70-to-power-standalone-plugins
├ ├ /blog/gatographql-gets-streamlined
├ └ [+46 more paths]
├ ○ /comparisons 7.12 kB 116 kB
├ ● /comparisons/[slug] 3.84 kB 138 kB
├ ├ /comparisons/gatographql-vs-wp-rest-api
├ └ /comparisons/gatographql-vs-wpgraphql
├ ○ /contact 3.99 kB 96.6 kB
├ ○ /demos 3.91 kB 1.57 MB
├ ● /demos/[slug] 3.99 kB 130 kB
├ ├ /demos/automatically-importing-new-posts-from-any-wordpress-rss-feed-daily
├ ├ /demos/automatically-sending-an-email-to-all-subscribers-notifying-of-a-new-post
├ ├ /demos/how-to-automatically-register-users-who-completed-a-course-from-masterstudy-lms-on-airtable
├ └ [+7 more paths]
├ ○ /developers 5.66 kB 125 kB
├ ○ /docs 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ○ /download 157 B 124 kB
├ ○ /extensions 4.83 kB 134 kB
├ ○ /extensions-reference 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ƒ /extensions-reference/[topic] 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ● /extensions-reference/[topic]/[slug] 158 B 124 kB
├ ● /extensions/[slug] 4.43 kB 1.61 MB
├ ├ /extensions/access-control
├ ├ /extensions/automation
├ ├ /extensions/caching
├ └ [+13 more paths]
├ ○ /extensions/opengraph-image-1ptgva.png 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /extensions/twitter-image-1ptgva.png 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /features 5.99 kB 114 kB
├ ● /features/[slug] 6.63 kB 138 kB
├ ├ /features/access-control
├ ├ /features/api-hierarchy-and-endpoint-management
├ ├ /features/automation
├ └ [+15 more paths]
├ ○ /features/opengraph-image-q698t4.png 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /features/twitter-image-q698t4.png 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /guides 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ƒ /guides/[topic] 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ● /guides/[topic]/[slug] 158 B 124 kB
├ ○ /highlights 3.89 kB 137 kB
├ ○ /howdy 5.66 kB 135 kB
├ ○ /library 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ● /library/[slug] 158 B 124 kB
├ ├ /library/add-a-mandatory-comments-block-to-post
├ ├ /library/add-missing-links-in-post
├ ├ /library/augment-data-from-an-external-api
├ └ [+58 more paths]
├ ○ /newsletter 4.75 kB 97.3 kB
├ ○ /opengraph-image.png 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /pricing 3.96 kB 1.59 MB
├ ○ /refund-policy 5.59 kB 125 kB
├ ○ /robots.txt 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /shop 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ○ /shop/customer-portal 157 B 124 kB
├ ○ /shop/my-orders 157 B 124 kB
├ ○ /shop/success 157 B 124 kB
├ ○ /sitemap.xml 0 B 0 B
├ ○ /slides 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ○ /slides/cover 1.44 kB 97.1 kB
├ ƒ /slides/extension-cover/[slug] 1.99 kB 97.6 kB
├ ○ /specials 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ○ /specials/wpbuilds 5.33 kB 134 kB
├ ○ /support 3.84 kB 96.4 kB
├ ○ /tutorial 178 B 87.5 kB
├ ● /tutorial/[slug] 158 B 124 kB
├ ├ /tutorial/adapting-content-in-bulk
├ ├ /tutorial/automatically-adding-a-mandatory-block
├ ├ /tutorial/automatically-sending-newsletter-subscribers-from-instawp-to-mailchimp
├ └ [+29 more paths]
└ ○ /twitter-image.png 0 B 0 B
+ First Load JS shared by all 87.3 kB
├ chunks/1528-fdcf07ae2065d021.js 31.7 kB
├ chunks/1dd3208c-fc3e284b884115f7.js 53.6 kB
└ other shared chunks (total) 2 kB
○ (Static) prerendered as static content
● (SSG) prerendered as static HTML (uses getStaticProps)
ƒ (Dynamic) server-rendered on demand
(build.command completed in 2m 1.7s)
Functions bundling
Packaging Functions from apps/gatographql/.netlify/functions-internal directory:
- ___netlify-server-handler/___netlify-server-handler.mjs
(Functions bundling completed in 3.2s)
Deploy path: /Users/leo/GitRepos/GitHub/Sites/leoloso/gatowebsites/apps/gatographql/.next
Configuration path: /Users/leo/GitRepos/GitHub/Sites/leoloso/gatowebsites/apps/gatographql/netlify.toml
Deploying to main site URL...
⠋ Uploading blobs to deploy store...
Netlify Build
❯ Version
@netlify/build 29.56.1
❯ Flags
build: true
deployId: 6773a7a3b0b774c362820566
filter: gatographql
open: false
packagePath: apps/gatographql
prod: true
prodIfUnlocked: false
skipFunctionsCache: false
❯ Current directory
❯ Config file
❯ Context
Uploading blobs to deploy store
⠸ Uploading blobs to deploy store...
⠼ Uploading blobs to deploy store...
Internal error during "Uploading blobs"
Error message
Error: Failed while uploading blobs to deploy store
Error location
During Uploading blobs
at coreStep (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/plugins_core/blobs_upload/index.js:55:15)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async fireCoreStep (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/core_step.js:11:98)
at async tFireStep (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/time/main.js:18:63)
at async file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/run_step.js:69:283
at async pReduce.index (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/run_steps.js:12:349)
at async runSteps (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/run_steps.js:11:205)
at async runBuildStep (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/run_core_steps.js:111:64)
at async executeBuildStep (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/run_core_steps.js:72:68)
at async runCoreSteps (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/run_core_steps.js:19:68)
Resolved config
command: npm run build -w gatographql
commandOrigin: config
publish: /Users/leo/GitRepos/GitHub/Sites/leoloso/gatowebsites/apps/gatographql/.next
publishOrigin: config
- inputs: {}
origin: config
package: '@netlify/plugin-nextjs'
✖ Deploy aborted due to error while uploading blobs to deploy store
› Warning:
Internal error during "options.onPostBuild"
Error message
Error: Error while uploading blobs to deploy store
Error location
During options.onPostBuild
at error (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/dist/utils/command-helpers.js:161:19)
at uploadDeployBlobs (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/dist/commands/deploy/deploy.js:307:9)
at async runDeploy (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/dist/commands/deploy/deploy.js:384:9)
at async prepAndRunDeploy (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/dist/commands/deploy/deploy.js:603:21)
at async deployHandler (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/dist/commands/deploy/deploy.js:688:27)
at async fireCoreStep (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/core_step.js:11:98)
at async tFireStep (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/time/main.js:18:63)
at async file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/run_step.js:69:283
at async pReduce.index (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/@netlify/build/lib/steps/run_steps.js:12:349)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
Resolved config
command: npm run build -w gatographql
commandOrigin: config
publish: /Users/leo/GitRepos/GitHub/Sites/leoloso/gatowebsites/apps/gatographql/.next
publishOrigin: config
- inputs: {}
origin: config
package: '@netlify/plugin-nextjs'
redirectsOrigin: inline
In the past I had the website hosted in its own repo, and I never run into any problem. I have recently switched to a monorepo (with this website hosted under apps/gatographql
), and since then I’ve been barely able to deploy it, using the CLI.
This is netlify.toml
for that site, under apps/gatographql
command = "npm run build -w gatographql"
publish = "./apps/gatographql/.next/"
NODE_OPTIONS = "--max-old-space-size=8192"
package = "@netlify/plugin-nextjs"
I also removed the [[plugins]]
section, but the result is the same.
I’ll appreciate your help. Thanks.