subtle-crepe-f83d81 is site name
trying to use blob storage
can’t even create a store, let alone upload a file
using code generated by netlify bot:
const { getStore } = require(“@netlify/blobs”);
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
try {
const siteID = process.env.NETLIFY_SITE_ID;
const token = process.env.NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN;
if (!siteID || !token) {
throw new Error(“Netlify siteID and token must be set in environment variables"”);
// Create a store
const store = getStore({
siteID: siteID,
token: token,
name: “clouds-001”
}, “clouds-001”); // replace "my-store" with your desired store name
// Use the store…
} catch (error) {
return {
statusCode: 500,
body: JSON.stringify({ message: error.message }),