Can't allow certain files via "_headers"

SIte name:
I’m trying to allow the website access this changelog file, which fails due to the lack of proper CORS configuration.
However, it can access the file when I run a temporary session with netlify dev --live (tested via the Chrome Dev Tools).

My _headers:


For a reference, this is the code I ran in the console to test:

const response = await fetch("");
await response.json();
// The browser would throw an error

It seems like I solved it by adding to netlify.toml:

for = "/data/extension/youtube-auto-hd/auto-hd-fps-for-youtube-changes.json"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin = ""

While it did solve the issue for fetching that specific file, now the user cannot enter the website’s products, as the URLs are resolved by the client

It seems like the issue is fixed - both the JSON can be fetched in the aforementioned site, and the server-side routing to /index.html is working


  base = "/"
  publish = "dist"
  command  = "yarn build"
  functions = "functions"

  for = "/data/extension/youtube-auto-hd/auto-hd-fps-for-youtube-changes.json"
  Access-Control-Allow-Origin = ""

  from = "/api/*"
  to = "/.netlify/functions/:splat"
  status = 200

  from = "/*"
  to = "/index.html"
  status = 200