Can't add my domain after removing it

Netlify domain (from my client account):
Netlify domain (from my agency account):

Error while adding Custom Domain name to site: “< or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.”.

I have a domain from other party which I connected with my netlify hosted site on my agency account for testing. Now I have created a new netlify account for my client to add their site into that account and also want to connect the domain there. But when I tried, it throws an error message there. So I am not abble to connect my custom domain with my site for last two days.

I’ve already removed my nameservers from domain registrar site.

How can I connect my domain to new account, please help?

Hi, we can remove this for you. If you want to set a txt record to verify you own this domain we can remove the DNS zones so it’s usable on the new account.

Did you also remove the domain from the site and your account?

That would be a great help. Do I need to share something to provide you the proof of the domain ownership?

Did you also remove the domain from the site and your account?

Yes, from my agency account, where I used the domain for testing first, I’ve removed from there and also from my domin registrar, I’ve switched the nameservers from netlify to default registrar nameservers.

Hi @msp,

Thanks for following-up. What’s the custom domain you’re trying to add? If I understand correctly, the domain has been added to your where you have site mohitphotography-dev?

If you go here, do you see the domain listed? If so, you’ll need to remove the DNS Zone in order to add the domain to site mohitphotography.

If that’s not the case, please let us know the custom domain you’re having this issue with and create the TXT Record by following this Support Guide. Let us know when you’ve created the TXT Record.

Thanks Melvin for your help. Deleting the DNS worked!

Thanks for following up and letting us know you were able to resolve the issue. I hope you have a great day!

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