Can`t put my site iframe on another sites

Hi, I try to configure _headers with:
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors *

But its still not working and show the error in console:
«Refused to frame ‘’ because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “frame-ancestors ‘none’”.»

Can you help me to allow use iframe my site on any other sites with iframe?

Hi @33077a, thanks for the post and welcome.

If you do not own the website then it will be prohibited from being displayed within an iFrame due the Content Security Policy being set from who owns the websever.

However if you own the you can set the response header using the code snippet below.

Note: The below code snippet is for setting the response headers if is hosted using Netlify Functions.
If you are using a different web server then you will have to research on “How to set frame-ancestors in YOUR FRAMEWORK HERE”.

    `frame-ancestors http://your_origin_url_here`

Hope the above helps.


My site is on Netlyfy

But I want to embed on any site (*), not on some specific (as you recommend in frame-ancestors http://your_origin_url_here).

Or will your code embed my site in iframe on any sites?

Exactly using a wildcard indicates that all origins can load the content of in an iFrame.

If you want to limit to specific origins then you have to separate each origin with a space.
For example:


You can read more about frame-ancestors at CSP: frame-ancestors - HTTP | MDN


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thanks @clarnx for providing @33077a with more feedback. (;

Clarnx, thanks, for your help, Im a no-code founder and a little bit scared to click some buttons that I don’t understand
I should click here?

Because earlier I try to add this rule in _headers and in netlify.toml, but it not working.
From _headers or netlify.toml file I cant do that?

Hi @33077a, looks like your site is not served using Netlify functions. No need to click on any buttons.
Your iFrame should work by default if is deployed using regular Netlify deployment methods.

The code below should display in the iFrame. I tried it in my test environment and it works.

<iframe src="" height="1000" width="1000" title="Iframe Example"></iframe>

Image of rendering in an iFrame below.

If the above does not help, how are you trying to set the iFrame and which framework are you using. Sharing a code snippet of how you are setting the iFrame will also be helpful for debugging.


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Wow, that’s right, it’s working now and the X-Frame-Options protection is removed. Maybe Netlify needed a little more time for the changes to work, I don’t know. Thank you for seeing it, everything is working now! Thank you very much :slight_smile:


Hi @33077a thanks for confirming Clarence’s solution helped resolved your problem! I’m happy to hear that. Please let us know if you have any other issues.


I have one more question, iframe working well, but in the console, I have this message – is it normal?

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It seems that everything is fine, because YouTube inserted into the site gives the same message

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Hi @33077a, yes it is totally normal to have those console errors.
You can read more about Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) - HTTP | MDN


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