Cache Control Headers for Jekyll Site

Hi there,

Is there an example of a netlify.toml file for Jekyll sites that has Headers Cache Control?

I’m using the below settings but its having no effect when tested at Google pagespeed

global context

publish = “_site/”
command = “jekyll build”
environment = { JEKYLL_ENV = “netlify” }

for = “/assets/images/"
Cache-Control = “public, s-max-age=604800”
for = "/images/

Cache-Control = “public, s-max-age=604800”
for = “/assets/css/.css"
Cache-Control = “public, s-max-age=604800”
for = "/assets/js/
Cache-Control = “public, s-max-age=604800”

I think Google page speed is not the correct way to test cache control. Netlify automatically add the correct headers: Better Living Through Caching

Thanks for your response.

Ok I will remove the netlify.toml file and let Netlify control the Headers.

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