Build Time Increase


We need assistance to increase our build time. Currently it is insufficient for our site’s needs. Could you please increase the build time to 180 minutes?

Site ID: bf6e14e2-e3b9-498b-a46b-747fb82ad597

Thank you for your help.

It looks like your site is already at the max build time (180 minutes) if you are not seeing this you need to redeploy your site to see this take effect.

I need help with this too, but I’m getting an error that says, › JSONHTTPError: Unprocessable Entity when I try to update it in CLI.

My site id is 40813202-2584-4d2e-9af1-40e8f607fe01

Please also increase mine to 1hr please. Here is my site ID: f8cca3e8-aae4-4db6-87d2-895a7f959449

I tried to do

netlify api updateSite --data ‘{ “site_id”: “f8cca3e8-aae4-4db6-87d2-895a7f959449”, “body”: { “build_timelimit”: 3600 } }’

but it always give me an error

› JSONHTTPError: Unprocessable Entity

Hello, I have increased your build timeout to 1hr. You will need to re-deploy your site to see this take effect.

hello @jethrojones :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out! I have increased your build timeout to 60 minutes. Please redeploy the site for this to take effect.

Thank you Sam. I appreciate it. May I know why we get the error when we do it ourselves using the cli? this is the error › JSONHTTPError: Unprocessable Entity

I believe you can only increase the limit to 30 minutes via the CLI. For a longer limit, you’ll need to contact support.

Okay, thank you @sid.m

Hi @niel,

I responded to your other post and increased the time limit to 2 hours.