Build error installing custom jekyll theme

Trying to deploy this jekyll custom template…

Site name

10:07:50 PM: Conversion error: JekyllJupyterNotebook::Converter encountered an error while converting ‘assets/jupyter/blog.ipynb’:
10:07:50 PM: No such file or directory - jupyter
10:07:50 PM: ------------------------------------------------
10:07:50 PM: Jekyll 4.3.2 Please append --trace to the build command
10:07:50 PM: for any additional information or backtrace.
10:07:50 PM: ------------------------------------------------
10:07:50 PM: /opt/build/cache/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/jekyll-jupyter-notebook-0.0.5/lib/jekyll-jupyter-notebook/converter.rb:50:in `spawn’: No such file or directory - jupyter (Errno::ENOENT)

The error seems to be this. Does this file or folder exist in your repo?

Yes, this exists


Looks like this error: Jupyter notebook dark mode doesn’t work on first load · Issue #1545 · alshedivat/al-folio (

Ok good find, whats the best way to proceed? Simple as adding jupyter to gemfile?

I’m not an expert on that, but based on the thread, that should be it.

Seems like jupyter needs be installed in the python environment … is there a way to do this?

Simply listing that as a dependency should work: Manage build dependencies | Netlify Docs

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