Base directory build setting ignored in netlify.toml

Hey Netlify folks,

I just got snagged by this issue - It seems the admin UI prepends the Base directory to the Publish directory.


  • Base dir: ./sapper
  • Publish dir: ./sapper/__sapper__/export

Admin UI

Figured out what was going on after a bit of trial and error! But I’m guessing that the prepended base dir needs to be removed? (unless I’m misunderstanding something?)

Hey there,
Sorry for the slow response here! Yeah, there are indeed a few confusing pieces in that view when it comes to the base directory. Are you saying that you manually deleted the extra sapper/ in order to get your build to work? Thanks!

hey @jen, I assumed the base dir was being prepended as the ui shows (red highlight) so didn’t include it in the publish dir. It seems this is not the case. The base dir is not in reality added so it needed the extra ./sapper.

The screenshot above is showing the working settings with the incorrectly added base dir (which isn’t editable, it sits before the input field in the ui).

Hi @slowrush,

Based on your update, it looks like your issue is related to Issues with base build directory during deploys - #2 by jen and that our engineers are aware of it and are working towards a bugfix. I don’t have an ETA on when it’ll get resolved but we’ll likely update on the post that I linked to.

Let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.