Notice that the “age” header is always “0”. That’s pretty clear indication that it isn’t a cache hit, but a miss. In contrast, requests to the bare URL (without the query strings) do seem to be cached. Serial curl requests will yield, Age headers > 0.
Am I missing something here @perry and @hrishikesh ? Did the new changes break recently?
Yes, it was discussed internally before but we decided not to go forward with that. We can file it as a feature request if you want, but it might not get implemented soon.
When you were focused primarily on static content, cache headers made sense to exclude.
However, with the line blurring, and more and more dynamic content appearing in Jamstack, I do think this is an important feature. For example. Vercel has some custom response headers to convey the cache status.
I’m not sure your caching backend but it should not be too difficult to add a HIT/MISS response header.
Yes, we’re aware of that and it was not abandoned due to engineering efforts. There were multiple problems put forth in the discussion, due to which the thought was abandoned.
Sure, it is not permanently closed, we can re-open it for discussion. Thank you for the feedback.
Hi, @Blokestudios. With the age header, a value of 0 means uncached and any non-zero value means cached. Is there a reason you cannot use that header to determine the caching status of the URL?