I have been trying to deploy this angular website for a couple of times.
Each time I deploy it, the build says it is fine but I get a full white screen with nothing on it. No error, nothing at all
this is the url https://fol-staging.netlify.app/
this is the build log of the last deployment
4:11:58 AM: build-image version: 73f16e520fdddf409be6f578c8c2c8941bdf32d3 (focal)
4:11:58 AM: buildbot version: a11acbb405af91d225b392f15bc00822dbffb366
4:11:58 AM: Building without cache
4:11:58 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
4:11:59 AM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
4:11:59 AM: git clone --filter=blob:none https://github.com/Hibera-Development-Agency/fountainOfLove
4:11:59 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/staging
4:12:01 AM: Custom build path detected. Proceeding with the specified path: 'FountainOfLove_Client'
4:12:01 AM: Custom publish path detected. Proceeding with the specified path: 'FountainOfLove_Client/dist/fountainOfLoveClient'
4:12:01 AM: Starting to install dependencies
4:12:02 AM: Python version set to 3.8
4:12:02 AM: Attempting Ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
4:12:02 AM: Using Ruby version 2.7.2
4:12:03 AM: Started restoring cached go cache
4:12:03 AM: Finished restoring cached go cache
4:12:03 AM: go version go1.19.12 linux/amd64
4:12:03 AM: Using PHP version 8.0
4:12:04 AM: v18.17.1 is already installed.
4:12:04 AM: Now using node v18.17.1 (npm v9.6.7)
4:12:04 AM: Enabling Node.js Corepack
4:12:04 AM: Started restoring cached build plugins
4:12:04 AM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
4:12:04 AM: Started restoring cached corepack dependencies
4:12:04 AM: Finished restoring cached corepack dependencies
4:12:04 AM: No npm workspaces detected
4:12:04 AM: Started restoring cached node modules
4:12:04 AM: Finished restoring cached node modules
4:12:05 AM: Installing npm packages using npm version 9.6.7
4:12:16 AM: added 904 packages, and audited 905 packages in 11s
4:12:16 AM: 104 packages are looking for funding
4:12:16 AM: run `npm fund` for details
4:12:16 AM: 2 moderate severity vulnerabilities
4:12:16 AM: To address all issues, run:
4:12:16 AM: npm audit fix
4:12:16 AM: Run `npm audit` for details.
4:12:16 AM: npm packages installed
4:12:17 AM: Install dependencies script success
4:12:17 AM: No build steps found, continuing to publishing
4:12:17 AM: Starting to deploy site from 'FountainOfLove_Client/dist/fountainOfLoveClient'
4:12:17 AM: Calculating files to upload
4:12:17 AM: 0 new files to upload
4:12:17 AM: 0 new functions to upload
4:12:17 AM: Section completed: deploying
4:12:17 AM: Section completed: building
4:12:18 AM: Uploading Cache of size 87.0MB
4:12:19 AM: Section completed: cleanup
4:12:19 AM: Finished processing build request in 20.364s
4:12:21 AM: Site is live ✨
4:12:22 AM: Build ready to start
4:12:23 AM: Build ready to start
4:12:25 AM: Build ready to start
4:12:26 AM:
4:12:26 AM: Processing form - other
4:12:26 AM:
4:12:26 AM: Processing form - support
4:12:26 AM:
4:12:26 AM: Post processing - header rules
4:12:26 AM: Post processing - redirect rules
4:12:26 AM: Post processing done
4:12:26 AM: Section completed: postprocessing
4:12:26 AM: Post processing - redirect rules
4:12:26 AM: Post processing done
4:12:26 AM: Section completed: postprocessing
4:12:27 AM: Site is live ✨
4:12:27 AM: Starting post processing
4:12:27 AM: Post processing - HTML
4:12:28 AM: Post processing done
4:12:28 AM: Section completed: postprocessing
4:12:28 AM: Post processing - redirect rules
4:12:29 AM: Site is live ✨