Ajuda com site react

Olá, sou novato tanto no netlify quanto em deploy de site e gostaria de uma ajuda para resolver um problema e entender como funciona.
Fiz um site em react, e fiz o deploy dele no netlify, já tenho o dominio próprio que é pela godaddy, e já configurei e está funcionando, o detalhe é que no site eu tenho uma página de politica de privacidade, quando entra no site, e clica no link da página de politica de privacidade, até entra na página, meudominio.com.br/privacypolicy agora se eu copiar esse link, e tentar colar no browser e tentar acessar direto a página de policita de privacidade eu caio no erro de page not found, nesse caso tenho que fazer alguma outra configuração para poder acessar a outra página do meu site diretamente?

Hey @Wesley

The site you are having issues with is meudominio.com.br? This site is not currently using Netlify.

meudominio.com.br is an example to mydomain.com.br where mydomain is the domain that i purchased in godaddy, but with other name,
I don’t know if i will can explain my issue in english, but i will use google translate.

Hello, I’m new to both netlify and site deploy and would like some help to solve a problem and understand how it works.
I made a website in react, and I deployed it on netlify, I already have my own domain, which is by godaddy, and I’ve configured it and it’s working, the detail is that on the website I have a privacy policy page, when I enter the website , and clicks on the privacy policy page link, even enters the page, mydomain.com.br/privacypolicy now if I copy this link, and try to paste it in the browser and try to access the privacy policy page directly I fall into the error page not found, in this case do I have to do some other configuration to be able to access the other page of my site directly?

if i have to tell what’s my domain, he is, https://www.grupomedra.com.br/

Thanks @Wesley

When having an issue with a site, it always helps to provide the domain so other people can see/experience the issue rather than reading about it (especially so when, in my case, I used Google to translate your original post.)

The solution to your issue is explained in [Support Guide] Direct links to my single page app (SPA) don't work in that you need a rewrite rule as shown in Netlify’s documentation here and in the Create React App documentation here.

If you have further issues or queries, do not hesitate to reply.

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