Account has been blocked

yo. I setup a Machine to Machine Applications looking to connect to auth0. Can I do that with a starter account? please? for a little bit if possible :slight_smile:

Can the gatekeeper please reactivate my account please? I’m not doing any Gozering, I swear :slight_smile:

I just did the first step in this:

Auth0 by Okta Integration | Netlify Docs

What email is associated with the account.

Hi @assertclass thanks for your patience I have issued a verification link. Please check your spam if you don’t see this email in your inbox.

please am also encoutering thesame issues, the email connected to my account is

Hi :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out and welcome. Unfortunately you will not be able to access your account as one your sites on our servers was operating a scam targeting JPMorgan Chase.

You will need to find a new platform to host your content.