Accessing function invocation request logs for spam analysis

I have a small netlify site - “” or “”. This is a mostly static site with some very limited api functionality that has absolutely no viewership. A week ago usage went through the roof, burning through half my function invocation limits and all of my downstream database request limit. I’m assuming it’s some kind of spam, as the endpoints called aren’t really user-facing.

Would it be possible to get a list of the IPs hammering the site, and what urls are being hit? It’s a sveltekit app so I just get one invocation on the standard logs and can’t tell what path has been accessed as far as I’m aware.

I am aware that Netlify’s inbuilt spam protection is somewhat limited right now, so I’m looking into how to disable the endpoints that are causing trouble until I can come up with a better solution.


I’ve shared a report with you over a DM. I’ve exluded IPs from the report as we cannot share that (since it’s considered PII), but hopefully the rest of the report serves your needs.

We can share the IP if it belongs to a bot, so if you find some user agents that look like bots, you can let us know the request IDs, we can check and let you know the IPs for those.

Note that, the data I’ve exported is from July 15 00:00 UTC to July 31 23:59 UTC.

Thanks for this, sorry for the late reply. The logs weren’t hugely helpful I’m afraid, and the majority of the damage was already done by the time I got them. I ended up putting everything behind a CloudFlare firewall, which saved me. Pity that Netlify doesn’t have this sort of basic management built in though!