Testing CMS hosted content without having run a Build


we chose Netlify, because we want our final website to be fully static.

However, we run into some issues:

  • content is hosted on a CMS
  • it is maintained by our content editors
  • the editors are very non-technical, and work in a different location. having them run a local server is therefore not an option
  • if they make a change (eg. change a headline), they need to be able to instantly preview that change

Simply creating a ‘content’-branch, that triggers a build of content--myproject.netlify.com for every content change is not an option, since it would make the changes not available immediately.

Maybe I am not seeing the obvious, but how would you set this up? I do not see any way around using a server for making this work, which would really make the whole setup so much more complicated, since we would also need to use another hosting provider than Netlify.

We are using nuxt.js as framework.

Hi @andre-b,

Your content editors don’t have to edit locally. Are you using the Netlify CMS? Can you tell me what the specific problems you are having with the Netlify CMS? Also are you using the editorial workflow?

Also when you save your content while you have the editorial workflow enabled, the Netlify CMS will create a separate branch that has that content, which you can preview using Netlify’s branh deloys.