[Support Guide] Form problems, form debugging, 404 when submitting

Looking in Netlify’s database to find a form for your site with the same name as the one you linked, I see a definition for your contact form that has ONLY the bot-field in it - we didn’t process any other fields at deploy time.

Two likely possibilities:

  • For your site, since I can see that the html for that page does have <input ... name="name" ...> type fields (rather than building them via javascript), so perhaps you have a SECOND, empty definition of that form somewhere else in your source code? We’re looking for another <form name=contact ...> type definition. It is also the case that the last deploy on ANY branch will update the form definition for ALL branches so you could also have an empty form with that name in some testing deploy that has overwritten production. Forms work on any branch/preview URL, but the definition in use on all of them will be the MOST RECENTLY DEPLOYED one.

  • For others, whose forms are javascript-generated, it’s likely that you’re missing this (from the debugging steps):

  • You need to create an html form to match the JS definition exactly (same form name, field names, etc). New JS forms will ONLY appear in our UI and only be processed correctly from the browser, if you have deployed this html form. You do NOT have to link to it - you can just create a “netlifyneedsthis.html” file with those definitions in it (and deploy it with your site) and that will work!

As I mentioned that second one is not your problem @RJGrunau :slight_smile:

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