Support for Deno on Netlify

Hi @fool , thanks for your support.
I just created this repository for testing purposes: GitHub - lumeland/base-blog: A template repository to build a blog with Lume static site generator, including a Brewfile.netflify file to install deno, but I’m getting errors in the installation process:

2:34:55 PM: Installing Homebrew dependencies from Brewfile.netlify
2:35:00 PM: ==> Tapping linuxbrew/xorg
2:35:00 PM: Cloning into '/opt/buildhome/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/Library/Taps/linuxbrew/homebrew-xorg'...
2:35:00 PM: Tapped 95 formulae (134 files, 1.7MB).
2:35:00 PM: Error: No similarly named formulae found.
2:35:00 PM: Error: No available formula with the name "linuxbrew/xorg/libva-internal" (dependency of deno).
2:35:00 PM: ==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
2:35:00 PM: ==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
2:35:00 PM: linuxbrew/xorg/libva-internal was deleted from linuxbrew/xorg in commit 6fffa4a:
2:35:00 PM:   libva-internal: delete
2:35:00 PM:   Now in homebrew/core and is not needed by other xorg formulae.
2:35:00 PM: To show the formula before removal run:
2:35:00 PM:   git -C "$(brew --repo linuxbrew/xorg)" show 6fffa4a^:Formula/libva-internal.rb
2:35:00 PM: If you still use this formula consider creating your own tap:
2:35:00 PM:
2:35:00 PM: Installing deno has failed!
2:35:00 PM: Homebrew Bundle failed! 1 Brewfile dependency failed to install.