Redirect from Netlify subdomain to custom primary domain not working

Hi, @Sujay, again this is not what I see when testing.

I see there is a service worker for this site. I suspect the local service worker is preventing the HTTP request from reaching Netlify and blocking the redirect. The redirect doesn’t occur because the browser doesn’t even make the HTTP request (at least that is my hypothesis).

Would try unregistering that service working and trying again?

If that doesn’t resolve the issue, we will need more information to troubleshoot.

The most specific information to send us the x-nf-request-id header which we send with every HTTP response. There more information about this header here:

If that header isn’t available for any reason, please send the information it replaces (or as many of these details as possible). Those details are:

  • the complete URL requested
  • the IP address for the system making the request
  • the IP address for the CDN node that responded
  • the day of the request
  • the time of the request
  • the timezone the time is in

With those details we’ll be able to find out why the redirect isn’t occurring. If there are questions about any of this, please let us know.