React app doesn't deploy via git repo but does with netlify-cli

Hi there, @tairemad :wave:

My name is Hillary and I am the Forums Moderator here at Netlify. I saw some feedback in our feedback form and just wanted to address it.

What Hrishikesh is asking above is to please not post the same / similar questions in different threads, as it is harder for the Support team to get you the timely answers we would like to. It also makes it easier for future forums member who encounter simialr issues to learn from the conversations we have! From the looks of it, it looks like we have this current thread and also this similar thread I am pasting below:

If this is a misunderstanding on our end and these are not related, please let me know.

We always welcome questions in the forums-- we love getting to help folks find success at Netlify! We just ask that if there are related questions, you keep them in one thread so that we can best assist you.

Please let me know if this is clear!