Logout not working with Netlify Auth Widget

For some reason, when the Netlify identity widget is used, I click logout and the netlify-cms-user is removed from Local Storage (for a moment) but then gets added back. Which leads to the widget showing over the posts, and if I close the widget I can still click around the CMS (I can’t do anything because I’m not actually logged in) - but the CMS thinks I’m logged in.

The logout does seem to briefly work for a millisecond. I don’t know why it then does the above.

I’ve followed the instructions here Add to Your Site | Decap CMS | Open-Source Content Management System

A couple of things seem different - the login doesn’t redirect to the homepage. This isn’t an issue but could be why I’m experiencing the above issue on logout?

  name: git-gateway
  branch: main
publish_mode: editorial_workflow

I’ve created a public repo that shows this behaviour… GitHub - codemzy/netlify-cms-auth-test: Testing auth flow for netlify-cms just the basic set up for netlify-cms with identity and git-gateway.

You can see the behaviour here https://netlify-cms-logout.netlify.app/

Login with


And then log out, you’ll see a flash of the page logged out and then the CMS loads again like you are still logged in, and the identity widget pops up. Netlify-cms thinks you are still logged in. You can close the identity widget and it appears like you are still logged in. If you click logout a second time then it works. But you have to log out twice each time!

Hi @codemzy,

It’s worth filing an issue on the CMS repo instead of posting about it here. Since you already have a reproduction, the contributors can test it and possible work on a fix.

It seems that as of this date 6-20-23 the problem still exists. On my site the log-out icon is very fuzzy and nothing happens when I click on it.

Sorry to hear you are still experiencing this issue. I encourage that you reach out to Decap CMS as their support team is managing this going forward. I hope this helps!

How do I connect to Decap CMS?

Here are a few helpful links I found on their site:

Thanks for your reply. I will look into it further.

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I have found something weird with the Identity Widget. “When I click on the Log-Out Button on my Linux computer nothing happens, but when I use my Android cell phone it works as specified.” Log-in/Log-out OK. I do not have a Windoze system to try it on.

Please reach out on the above mentioned link.