Gatsby Build failed


looks like you are super close to getting a working build, actually, but for some reason we are getting stuck here:

10:57:50 PM: error "gatsby-plugin-manifest" threw an error while running the onPreInit lifecycle:
10:57:50 PM: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'src/images/logo.png'
10:57:50 PM:   135 | 
10:57:50 PM:   136 |   if (pluginOptions.cache_busting_mode !== "none" && pluginOptions.icon) {
10:57:50 PM: > 137 |     pluginOptions.cacheDigest = (0, _gatsbyCoreUtils.createContentDigest)(fs.readFileSync(pluginOptions.icon));
10:57:50 PM:       |                                                                              ^
10:57:50 PM:   138 |   }
10:57:50 PM:   139 | };
10:57:50 PM:   140 | 

this file seems to not be available under the name or at the path that you are specifying.

Does this build locally? if yes, then it may be a case issue:

Can you give this a read through and let us know if that fixes the issue?

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