Need pay for solve this error?
Working fine in vercel:
Need pay for solve this error?
Working fine in vercel:
Hey? 4 days… “BIG SUPPORT” what price for solved this?
@mandinho The way you’re counting days doesn’t mean anything.
Netlify’s staff won’t ever solve the issue, if it’s just your project, due to their Scope of Support:
we cannot help you debug any source code used either during build or after deployment
It’s why I suggested providing a minimum reproduction to ‘prove’ there is a Netlify issue.
If you can provide enough clear information that demonstrates a problem with their system, then I’d imagine they’d be more likely to spend time investigating.
If it actually is a Netlify issue, (with their Next middleware or blobs), you shouldn’t pay anyone.
If you’re asking what the price for ‘Enterprise Support’ would be, back in 2021 I was quoted $2,000 USD per month, you can read more here:
The same build I uploaded to Vercel was OK… →
Vercel OK, coolify OK, Local build OK, Local DEV OK.
How can the problem still be me? I saw another thread here where the team solved a similar problem:
I’ve never thought that it is, but…
I provided a link to that thread as my opening response to you above:
You’ve made a decent case for further investigation by Netlify.
You could make it easier by providing a minimum reproduction, (provide code they can check/test).
If the repository for your project is public, even just a link to that would probably be enough.
Have support? error inside netlify… My site working fine with vercel…
More 1 week?
We’ve sent this request to our helpdesk, we’ll follow up directly via email
@sid.m Can you update this thread with the solution/recommendation once complete.
Anyone else encountering this issue in future should know what they need to do to solve it.
In the most recent builds we were no longer seeing errors related to blobs, but rather the build was failing due to memory limitations. Memory allocation issues can be resolved by reducing the memory usage (as outlined in this support guide: [Support Guide] What can I do if my build fails for memory-overallocation-related errors?) or upgrading to a paid account to increase the memory limit.