Need pay for solve this error?
Working fine in vercel:
Need pay for solve this error?
Working fine in vercel:
Hey? 4 days… “BIG SUPPORT” what price for solved this?
@mandinho The way you’re counting days doesn’t mean anything.
Netlify’s staff won’t ever solve the issue, if it’s just your project, due to their Scope of Support:
we cannot help you debug any source code used either during build or after deployment
It’s why I suggested providing a minimum reproduction to ‘prove’ there is a Netlify issue.
If you can provide enough clear information that demonstrates a problem with their system, then I’d imagine they’d be more likely to spend time investigating.
If it actually is a Netlify issue, (with their Next middleware or blobs), you shouldn’t pay anyone.
If you’re asking what the price for ‘Enterprise Support’ would be, back in 2021 I was quoted $2,000 USD per month, you can read more here:
The same build I uploaded to Vercel was OK… →
Vercel OK, coolify OK, Local build OK, Local DEV OK.
How can the problem still be me? I saw another thread here where the team solved a similar problem:
I’ve never thought that it is, but…
I provided a link to that thread as my opening response to you above:
You’ve made a decent case for further investigation by Netlify.
You could make it easier by providing a minimum reproduction, (provide code they can check/test).
If the repository for your project is public, even just a link to that would probably be enough.
Have support? error inside netlify… My site working fine with vercel…
More 1 week?
We’ve sent this request to our helpdesk, we’ll follow up directly via email
@sid.m Can you update this thread with the solution/recommendation once complete.
Anyone else encountering this issue in future should know what they need to do to solve it.