Build script returned non-zero exit code. Deploy did not succeed with HTTP Error 400

I’m having the same problem with a Remix app.

Site name
Office music game
Site ID

Could I please be excluded from the rollout as well?

Our website is having a same issue.

Site ID: 2d72d9d5-1985-4149-8aa2-97c4b0f9ff4d
Site name: lofaseoul-partner

I want our website to be excluded from problematic update as other people were.
Thank you.

hello @taejung1205 & @dmc1985 :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out! I have escalated your request to our helpdesk. Our team will follow up with you via email shortly.



1 Like

Hello, can I get similar exemption for my recently delpoyed site? I need to roll-out updates

Which site are you asking about?

We have the same issue, can you fix it for our website?

website id = c8c33898-a2a1-4b92-b24c-fe2cc16b6530
deployment id = 6675cce3dd68c8d8dafc23f3

The same error during the functions upload.

9:00:30 PM: Failed to create function on AWS Lambda: invalid parameter for lambda creation: Invalid AWS Lambda parameters used in this request.
9:00:30 PM: Failed to create function on AWS Lambda: invalid parameter for lambda creation: Invalid AWS Lambda parameters used in this request.
9:00:30 PM: Failed to upload file: algolia-sanity-sync
9:00:30 PM: Failed to upload file: contact_form
9:00:30 PM: Section completed: deploying
9:00:30 PM: ​
9:00:30 PM: Error deploying                                               
9:00:30 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
9:00:30 PM: ​
9:00:30 PM:   Error message
9:00:30 PM:   Deploy did not succeed with HTTP Error 400: [PUT /deploys/{deploy_id}/functions/{name}][400] uploadDeployFunction default  &{Code:400 Message:Failed to create function on AWS Lambda: invalid parameter for lambda creation: Invalid AWS Lambda parameters used in this request.}
9:00:30 PM: ​
9:00:30 PM:   Error location
9:00:30 PM:   At deploy the stage with HTTP status code '400'

@alex3 I’ve excluded you from the feature, you should now be able to successfully deploy

Thanks, but we still see the same error (

I tried all possible AWS_LAMBDA_JS_RUNTIME values, right now it’s deleted and still, it does not deploy.

e.g. deployment id = 66769da4235f9b731fa5c1f3

Please help.

@alex3 sorry about that, I’ve made a change on my end, can you give it another try and let me know if you’re successful?

Sorry, I was away.
I tried today again - got the same result (((
Deployment id = 6682f2b61d543f6d226c4e31
Please help.

Our deployments are completely blocked, how can we fix that?

Hi, @alex3. I believe there is a support ticket open about this and we’ve replied there with next steps in troubleshooting. The error for the site you reported is still mysterious and I’m quite curious as to what the actual cause is for that site.

We’ll follow-up in the support ticket for further troubleshooting!

I’m having the same problem with my site. I have to retry 3 or 4 times before the deploy will finally succeed.
My site name is vermillion-paletas-a2e2cb

Even I was having the same error. Please help me resolving this
9:37:30 AM: Calculating files to upload
9:37:31 AM: 4 new files to upload
9:37:31 AM: 1 new functions to upload
9:37:35 AM: Failed to upload file: ___netlify-server-handler
9:37:35 AM: Section completed: deploying
9:37:35 AM: ​
9:37:35 AM: Error deploying
9:37:35 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
9:37:35 AM: ​
9:37:35 AM: Error message
9:37:35 AM: Deploy did not succeed with HTTP Error 400: [PUT /deploys/{deploy_id}/functions/{name}][400] uploadDeployFunction default &{Code:400 Message:Failed to create function on AWS Lambda: invalid parameter for lambda creation: Unzipped size must be smaller than 256761856 bytes}
9:37:35 AM: ​
9:37:35 AM: Error location
9:37:35 AM: At deploy the stage with HTTP status code β€˜400’
9:37:35 AM: ​
9:37:35 AM: Resolved config

hi, what site does this error occur?

Hi thank you for your reply. My site is Build was completed successfully but deploy was failing I don’t know why

Hi there, thanks for supplying the site name. The error I see that sticks out here is:
Failed to create function on AWS Lambda: invalid parameter for lambda creation: Unzipped size must be smaller than 256761856 bytes

A few things you can try to do to resolve this is:

  1. Review your function’s dependencies: Ensure that you’re not accidentally including large dependencies in your function.
  2. Reduce the number of pre-rendered pages: If your function includes a large number of pre-rendered pages, this could be contributing to the size of your function. Consider reducing the number of pre-rendered pages if possible.

Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

Which functions do you mean. All the functions in my next js app take smaller arguments and i dont use any aws lambda functions. And i removed everything in my homepage and added just a div with hello world text in it to avoid any pre rendering.

@SpurgeonTara, it appears that the site you mentioned is either deleted or renamed. Do you still need help?

this website: build was succeeded but deployment failed and still facing the same issue. i deployed the same app in vercel, there its deployed fine and app is working as expected. But i wanna deploy it in netlify. Any help would be great