Website only displaying HTML from Git branch

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Hi, my website is just displaying the HTML code and not any of the css and other linked folders. I am new to Netlify so not sure what is going wrong. My web code is in GitHub and I have already linked the branch but still unsure what I am doing wrong. Can anyone help?

(Netlify App)
Custom domain


Welcome to the forums @mandeep7987

It would appear you have the wrong paths for most of the resources on your site (CSS, JS, images).
For instance
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/web/assets/mobirise-icons2/mobirise2.css">
is really
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/web/assets/mobirise-icons2/mobirise2.css">

In other words you need to remove the assets in front of all the JS, CSS, image references or move everything into a directory called assets.

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Thanks Coelmay, I would have never seen that. Appreciate your quick response. Cheers to that!