URGENT: suddenly getting netlify functions crashing (with no code change on our side), breaking all customer forms

we’re getting this error on all forms. no changes on our end. PLEASE help as soon as possible. Our entire product is unusable right now.

This occurred for my team’s site as well, though we’re back up now

:heavy_plus_sign: 1, we also experienced the same error from 11:23 - 11:38 EDT. In reviewing logs, we also noticed a doubling of function usage over the past 2 days, has anyone else seen a spike? (But guessing that isn’t related to the outage since it happened across multiple sites).

+1. Also received reports of this happening earlier today.

Thanks for reporting this, apologies for the trouble! This issue with edge functions occurred for approximately 15 minutes on 2/5. It has since been resolved.