[Support Guide] Troubleshooting SSL certificate errors

Hi, I set up my site (natuka.ge) last week, but it seems the SSL certificate has not been issued yet.
Could you help me please?

Hi @pois0,

Thanks for reaching out! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I’ve double checked your DNS configuration and see that you’re properly setup. Not sure why the SSL Certificate wasn’t provisioned but I’ve done that for the domain now and you should be all set. Visiting natuka.ge properly resolves and is secure.

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hey am having the same issue here can anyone help me please and thank you alot support team

the website domain is from godaddy and i depoyed it from github and didnt pass the name service untill 3days has passed sorry and thank you again

Hi @rahilabdeljalil,

Thanks for reaching out!

Looks like your DNS Zone is inactive as the Netlify name servers are not configure (or haven’t propagated):

whois fyservices.be | grep -i "nserver"
nserver:      A.NSSET.BE 2001:678:9:0:0:0:0:1
nserver:      B.NSSET.BE 2001:678:64:0:0:0:0:1
nserver:      C.NSSET.BE 2001:678:68:0:0:0:0:1
nserver:      D.NSSET.BE 2001:678:6c:0:0:0:0:1
nserver:      Y.NSSET.BE 2001:dcd:7:0:0:0:0:8
nserver:      Z.NSSET.BE 2001:678:20:0:0:0:0:36

At the registrar, NSSET.BE name servers are configured and not the Netlify name servers mentioned here: Netlify

You’ll need to configure those name servers at the registrar.

Let us know if you have any questions.

@Melvin Top of the day. I am having a similar issue, only difference is that, when I did my check via DNS checker, Some few countries didn’t come out with the green tick, instead they came out with the bad, or cross sign.

My domain is:

It is registered with another hosting provider. namecheap precisely

Duplicate: I need an urgent help on fixing my ssl issue

@Melvin Hi I have the same error for my ssl certificat website. www.agencedurhone.ch, can you help me ?

Hi @Merlin,

Thanks for reaching out!

I’m showing that the SSL Certificate was provisioned yesterday:

I am showing that the SSL certificate is valid and the site is resolving correctly. Were you able to resolve the issue or am I looking at the wrong site?