I have been using the Mojo programming language by Modular - Mojo 🔥: Powerful CPU+GPU Programming
and, in conjunction with an http framework called lightbug_http
- GitHub - Lightbug-HQ/lightbug_http: Simple and fast HTTP framework for Mojo! 🔥🐝 - I have been building an HTML and CSS library. Since I’ve had very good experiences with Netlify with Hugo and Rust, I thought it would be good to carry on the tradition!
Although Mojo is being touted as the backbone for AI related jobs, its speed and ease of use, as well as Rust-like memory management, makes it viable as a general purpose language. To this end, more and more people are applying it to web solutions, so Netlify would be an ideal partner. I’d be happy to evangelize about Netlify on your behalf
To make it fully flexible, it would be handy if Netlify could support both the Stable and the Nightly builds of Mojo , plus some degree of control over which version of Mojo is used, would be nice!
How about it guys