Specific page not displaying on Site

The problem i’m having is that even though my repo has files under presentations, it is not displaying on my website. For example, i have my index.md under ‘content/presentations/narcissism/index.md’ and my _index.md under ‘content/presentations/narcissism/’

What I want to show up is something similar to the talk demo, but with the photo of my poster and abstract there instead. I’m not sure why it isn’t working – any help??

Hi @ewingard, thanks for posting. Visited your website and I noticed you are using the Wowchemy Academic Hugo Template
It seems you are not configuring your widgets right. Kindly visit the Wowchemy documentation at the link below to learn how to properly configure your widgets and pages.

You can also check out the folder structure and configurations of the official GitHub Wowchemy academic example site repository as reference.
