React-native pull api from gatsby / netlify application

Hi all! I am working on a gatsby application with netlify. I have a react-native expo application that i am working on and would love to be able to hit an api to the netlify application to receive the blogs that i’ve created within it. Is this possible? If so can someone please direct me to an article?

Hi @jeffreyyourman :wave:t6: ,

Welcome to the forums! Thanks so much for reaching out. I see you tagged this as netlify-cms. We are no longer managing the CMS as this has been migrated to DECAP CMS

Hi there! Thank you so much! I’m not sure if I asked the question the correct way but ultimately what I’m looking for is the ability to use graphql in the netlify function and I’m having a lot of issues trying to accomplish this.

this is what I found: Deploying with Netlify Functions - Apollo GraphQL Docs