Problems with Redirect JWT role-gated pages on edge

Greetings, can someone verify or refute @slim’s statement:

  1. The documentation inconsistently indicates in some places that redirection based Role gating is a Business team tier only feature. However I find it works on the following site.

From the forums and docs and pricing plans that I reviewed, it does seem that 3rd Party (External providers) JWT tokens containing a nf_jwt to define redirects by roles in netlify.toml will only work with the Business plan.

Perhaps it used to work on Pro plan, perhaps the Business plan only is a new change?

In a past blog: “If you aren’t already on a Teams Plan, sign up today to get access to this incredibly powerful feature!If you aren’t already on a Teams Plan, sign up today to get access to this incredibly powerful feature!”
Per Restrict access to your sites with role based redirects

Role-based redirects in docs
Page links to the plans which shows Visitor access control (JWT auth) as only available in Business:

Please clarify so I can understand which plan I will need to start auth development on Netlify.

Thank you