hello, my website is linked to a Github repository: GitHub - jhhhuang/MyHomepage
I upload a new file in my repository: https://github.com/jhhhuang/MyHomepage/tree/master/content/tools/LaserPower
however, when I check the deploy, the log shows
8:33:40 PM: Deploy site
8:33:40 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:33:40 PM:
8:33:40 PM: Starting to deploy site from 'public'
8:33:40 PM: Calculating files to upload
8:33:40 PM: 0 new file(s) to upload
8:33:40 PM: 0 new function(s) to upload
8:33:40 PM: Section completed: deploying
8:33:40 PM: Site deploy was successfully initiated
8:33:40 PM:
8:33:40 PM: (Deploy site completed in 199ms)
which means no file is actually uploaded. I’ve search for the same problem but I still dont know why. Please help me, thanks.