Problems with 'Deploy': '0 new file(s) to upload'

hello, my website is linked to a Github repository: GitHub - jhhhuang/MyHomepage

I upload a new file in my repository:

however, when I check the deploy, the log shows

8:33:40 PM: Deploy site                                                   
8:33:40 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
8:33:40 PM: ​
8:33:40 PM: Starting to deploy site from 'public'
8:33:40 PM: Calculating files to upload
8:33:40 PM: 0 new file(s) to upload
8:33:40 PM: 0 new function(s) to upload
8:33:40 PM: Section completed: deploying
8:33:40 PM: Site deploy was successfully initiated
8:33:40 PM: ​
8:33:40 PM: (Deploy site completed in 199ms)

which means no file is actually uploaded. I’ve search for the same problem but I still dont know why. Please help me, thanks.

Hi there! You might want to check where your Publish Directory is set to in your site’s build configuration, as it might be checking a different folder than the one you have your files stored in. We have some more information about that here:

Let us know if this is still occurring! Thanks!