Netlify Identity Role based Access control not working

Hmmm that’s weird… can’t say the same for me.

Hm :confused: I logged out and now can’t access /cockpit or /chat so… it sure seems like everything’s working! Can you log out on both domains then try the process from scratch on the .ga domain exclusively? You can go ahead and use my account, the password is just testing!

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Still no luck :confused:… I signed out on both domains, logged in with your account and nope nothing.

I know this probably isn’t the most useful, but I did go ahead and run through the ‘happy path’ on CLI and everything looks great :confused:

Requesting path without logging in (no cookie)

Logging in then requesting /chat, getting 200 with page content

So I guess I’d just recommend trying it again after dumping your browser cache? When you logout with Netlify Identity (click the logout button) it should clear everything, but I’m not sure why your particular local browser isn’t working for the site.

Thank you for your help.
Yeahhh it is strange… by any chance could this have anything to do with my ISP, I’ve been battling with them over fluctuating speeds. Did you notice any slow loading of moonface?

Once again, I really appreciate your efforts.

Not a problem :+1:t2: happy to help. I wonder if you may even want to try downloading a new (so that it’s TOTALLY fresh) browser to test again with. Opera or Brave or Firefox, etc.

Definitely not an ISP issue here :slight_smile: but no, everything loaded as fast as I typically expect Netlify Sites to :+1:t2:

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Alright another idea! Can you go into your browser’s local storage and manually delete the nf_jwt cookies on both custom domain and Netlify url? Then try logging in again?

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Looks like a result! :partying_face: :tada:

RBAC working on both Netlify and custom domain!

Thank you so much @jen @jonsully, I’ll be sure to update this thread if the problem persists in the future.


Weird. Hitting the logout button should clear the gotrue.user local storage key/value :thinking:

But hey, if it works it works! Glad to mark that off :+1:t2:

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Actually something that might be important to note is that this time, I logged out using the logout button in Netlify CMS on the Edit page of /cockpit not through /login.

Could this perhaps have an effect?

I just walked through that case and didn’t see any issues :confused: Netlify CMS uses the same login widget under the hood so… when you click the logout button in the CMS it should run the same code. I didn’t find any lingering gotrue.user key in local storage after logging out via CMS.

Might have to chalk it up to oddities. There’s no real reason you should have a lingering gotrue.user local storage key after logout but if you did, that probably explains the issues you were having. :confused:

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