Netlify CMS backend config API_ERROR: Not Found

I’m getting this error in my Netlify CMS backend: Monosnap

When I set a breakpoint, I see this: Monosnap

I suspect it’s because my config is not correct: website/config.yml at master · uplinkhq/website · GitHub

What’s happening in the CMS UI when this error occurs? Stuck at login?

No, login through Identity with GitHub as the external provider works fine!
I can’t see any collection items though, which I posted about on SO today:

I guess something cannot be loaded from GitHub, judging by the error message and “documentation_url”.

Is there a way to find out what exactly that is?

What kinds of files are they, markdown with frontmatter?

Added an answer on SO: Netlify CMS nested YAML using Middleman - Stack Overflow

Thanks, @erquhart, setting the extension solved it! :smiley:

But nesting the attributes under the locale in the YML files doesn’t work, I had to change them to “de.title” and “en.title”. Is there a way to use nested attributes in this case?

The API_ERROR still happens though:

Anything I can do about that?

@manuelmeurer I noticed the source/images/uploads/ folder you set in your config doesn’t exist in your repo


@tomrutgers Brilliant, that fixed it! :smiley:

I added a .gitkeep file to create the folder, now it shows up in the media view: Monosnap
Wouldn’t it make sense to ignore dotfiles there?

Agreed. Would you mind opening an issue here?


Done: Ignore dotfiles in media view · Issue #2370 · netlify/netlify-cms · GitHub