Nested blog collection not showing data

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to add a nested collection for my Netlify CMS to show my last articles, however, the dashboard doesn’t show anything. Given that structure:

 - name: blog
    label: Blog
    label_singular: Article
    description: A list of all created articles
    identifier_field: content.title
    slug: '{{seo.slug}}'
    folder: content/articles
    create: true
    preview_path: blog/{{slug}}
    show_preview_links: true
    sortable_fields: [ 'content.title', 'content.publishDate', 'content.readingTime' ]
      - label: Featured articles
        field: content.isFeaturedArticle
        pattern: true
      - label: Featured articles
        field: content.isFeaturedArticle
      depth: 100
      summary: '{{content.title}}'
      - { name: key, label: Key, required: true, widget: hidden, default: article }
      - { name: language, label: Language, required: true, widget: relation, collection: languages, search_fields: [ name, isoCode ], value_field: name, display_fields: [ name ] }
      - { name: title, label: Title, required: false, widget: string }
      - { name: author, label: Author, required: true, widget: relation, collection: authors, search_fields: [ name ], value_field: name, display_fields: [ name ], default: My author }
      - { name: seo, label: SEO, widget: object, collapsed: true,
          fields: [
            { name: metaDescription, label: Meta description, required: true, widget: text },
            { name: slug, label: Slug, required: true, widget: string }
      - { name: content, label: Content,  widget: object, collapsed: true,
          fields: [
            { name: title, label: Title, required: true, widget: string },
            { name: summary, label: Summary, required: false, widget: string },
            { name: publishDate, label: Publish date, required: false, widget: datetime, date_format: MM/DD/YYYY, time_format: false, format: L },
            { name: lastUpdated, label: Last updated, required: false, widget: datetime, date_format: MM/DD/YYYY, time_format: false, format: L },
            { name: readingTime, label: Reading time, required: false, widget: number, value_type: int, min: 0, max: 45 },
            { name: isFeaturedArticle, label: Featured Article, required: false, widget: boolean },
            { name: featuredImage, label: Featured Image, required: false, widget: image, allow_multiple: false },
            { name: tags, label: Tags, required: false, widget: relation, collection: tags, search_fields: [ name ], value_field: name, display_fields: [ name ], multiple: true }
      - { name: body, label: Body, required: true, widget: markdown }
    meta: { path: { widget: string, label: 'Path', index_file: 'index' } }

It shows an empty nesting:

I’ve also tried to add the '{{slug}}' without success and using it in a simple collection like:

  - name: languages
    label: Languages
    label_singular: Language
    identifier_field: name
    slug: '{{slug}}'
    folder: content/languages
    create: true
      preview: false
      depth: 100 # max depth to show in the collection tree
      summary: '{{name}}' # optional summary for a tree node, defaults to the inferred title field
    sortable_fields: [ 'name' ]
      - { name: key, label: Key, required: true, widget: hidden, default: tag }
      - { name: name, label: Name, required: true, widget: string }
      - { name: isoCode, label: ISO code, required: true, widget: string, pattern: ['^[A-Z]{2}$', 'This field must have only 2 capitalized characters'] }

With the same unsuccessful result.

I can’t figure out why isn’t showing the nested collection and if they are really meant to be used the way I am using them.

My netlify-cms-appversion is: "^2.11.29",

Thanks in advance!

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