My website does not load on mobile

Hi, @fbzsaullo. We need the following information to troubleshoot this. First, we need to know the answer to this question:

  • Is this a DNS lookup error or a failure when making the HTTP request itself?

If it is a DNS lookup failure, we need the following details:

  • What is the DNS query being made?
  • What is the IP address for the DNS resolver used?
  • What is the from the DNS resolver?

If the issue is a bad HTTP response, we need the x-nf-request-id header for that response or the information it replace:

  • the IP address making the request
  • the IP address being connected to
  • the complete URL requested
  • the date, time, and timezone for the request

We have a support guide about how to collect the x-nf-request-id header here:

However, I’m fairly certain that the issue is going to be a DNS lookup issue. If so, the questions from that section will be the ones we need the answers to in order to be able to troubleshoot this.

​Please let us know if there are any questions for us.