Log limit option not available

Netlify site name: dazzling-lovelace-19c3a1

6:03:40 AM: ▲ [WARNING] Comparison with -0 using the "===" operator will also match 0 [equals-negative-zero]
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/query-engine/index.js:38168:32497:
6:03:40 AM:       38168 │ ...ed){if(l<0){l+=t}else if(l===-0){return 0}}return l}}p["void...
            ╵                                 ~~
6:03:40 AM:   Floating-point equality is defined such that 0 and -0 are equal, so "x === -0" returns true for both 0 and -0. You need to use "Object.is(x, -0)" instead to test for -0.
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "./telemetry"
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/query-engine/assets/send.js:3:25:
6:03:40 AM:       3 │ var _telemetry = require("./telemetry");
6:03:40 AM:         ╵                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "./types"
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/query-engine/assets/child.js:8:21:
6:03:40 AM:       8 │ var _types = require("./types");
6:03:40 AM:         ╵                      ~~~~~~~~~
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "./utils"
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/query-engine/assets/child.js:9:21:
6:03:40 AM:       9 │ var _utils = require("./utils");
6:03:40 AM:         ╵                      ~~~~~~~~~
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] No loader is configured for ".node" files: .cache/query-engine/assets/node.abi83.glibc.node
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/query-engine/index.js:372853:35:
6:03:40 AM:       372853 │ ... installChunk(require("./" + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId)));
6:03:40 AM:              ╵                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] No loader is configured for ".node" files: .cache/query-engine/assets/build/Release/sharp-linux-x64.node
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/query-engine/index.js:372853:35:
6:03:40 AM:       372853 │ ... installChunk(require("./" + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId)));
6:03:40 AM:              ╵                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] No loader is configured for ".42" files: .cache/query-engine/assets/vendor/8.14.5/linux-x64/lib/libvips-cpp.so.42
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/query-engine/index.js:372853:35:
6:03:40 AM:       372853 │ ... installChunk(require("./" + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId)));
6:03:40 AM:              ╵                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] No loader is configured for ".md" files: .cache/query-engine/assets/vendor/8.14.5/linux-x64/THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.md
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/query-engine/index.js:372853:35:
6:03:40 AM:       372853 │ ... installChunk(require("./" + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId)));
6:03:40 AM:              ╵                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "./telemetry"
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/page-ssr/assets/send.js:3:25:
6:03:40 AM:       3 │ var _telemetry = require("./telemetry");
6:03:40 AM:         ╵                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6:03:40 AM: ✘ [ERROR] No loader is configured for ".map" files: .cache/page-ssr/routes/2909.js.map
6:03:40 AM:     .cache/page-ssr/index.js:89650:35:
6:03:40 AM:       89650 │ ...  installChunk(require("./" + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId)));
6:03:40 AM:             ╵                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6:03:41 AM: 1 of 4 warnings and 9 of 82 errors shown (disable the message limit with --log-limit=0)
6:04:00 AM: ​
6:04:00 AM: ❯ Failed to bundle functions with selected bundler (fallback used):
6:04:00 AM:    - ssr-engine.zip
6:04:00 AM: ​
6:04:00 AM: (Functions bundling completed in 20.5s)
6:04:04 AM: ​
6:04:33 AM: (Netlify Build completed in 2m 8.8s)
6:04:34 AM: mise /opt/build/repo/.mise.toml tools: python@3.8.20
6:04:34 AM: Section completed: building
6:05:45 AM: Finished processing build request in 3m56.475s

At the end of the build logs, I see this:

1 of 4 warnings and 9 of 82 errors shown (disable the message limit with --log-limit=0)

Where am I supposed to add this parameter? My runtime is Gatsby, when I try to add this in my gatsby build command I get an error as this parameter is not supported.

I have tried the NETLIFY_BUILD_DEBUG env variable but I still get the same issue.

Those are warnings and safe to ignore. Your site is working fine. Are you running into any issue?

Hi! I still want to be able to see them.

Hi, @pavlos163. That option is for the esbuild bundler:

which can be found here:


The next step would be to determine how your build is using esbuild and adding the --log-limit=0 option there.

For example, you may have something similar to what is shown in the URL below in the scripts section of your package.json file:



  "scripts": {
    "build": "esbuild app.jsx --bundle --outfile=out.js"

If so, you would add the option there like so:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "esbuild app.jsx --bundle --outfile=out.js --log-limit=0"

Your site’s repo is private, however, so I cannot say for certain where you would add this. Hopefully, that is enough of a start to find the correct place to add it. If there are other questions about this, please let us know.