I am getting error when using fetch api to fetch quotes this project is working fine locally but when i deploy it , it shows error -> SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON

i am getting error when using fetch api to fetch quotes this project is working fine locally but when i deploy it , it shows error → SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’, "<!DOCTYPE "… is not valid JSON

this is the link to the site on netlify


I am faced this issue previously too … i would really appreciate your help

Hey @YashhSingh

The first issue I see is the URL used in the fetch request

const data = await fetch('https:type.fit/api/quotes');

which should look like

const data = await fetch('https://type.fit/api/quotes');

hey coelmay man it worked! thanks alot , but i have one more question what’s wrong with that first link i got this link from freecodecamp and it worked fine locally and what happened in the second link when we gave this // so what is the catch here ? and does this logic applies to all links when i deploy them ? I serious doubt here :joy:

When linking to or referencing an external resource (i.e. on another domain) all links need a // such as

<a href="https://example.com">Example</a>


await fetch('https://api.example.com`)

In some cases you can drop the http: or https: and have e.g.

<img src="//example.com/logo.png">

If the resource is part of the site you could use

<img src="/img/logo.png">


<a href="/about">About Page</a>

For a more in-depth explanation checkout

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