How to recover forms

Hello guys!

I have a huge issue :frowning:
I use Netify with nodemailer and yesterday my email account (recpient) exceeded size limit.
As a result, 10 mails from really important leads were sent but never delivery. This is crazy form me, I didn’t recive notification about running out of space!

Is there any way to recover the content of those emails, maybe using Logs or somenting.?
Help pls this is huge for me

Thank you!

Since you’re using nodemalier, I assume you were not using Netlify Forms. In which case, Netlify does not have any of your data. You should try checking with your SMTP provider.

Thank for msg ! My SMTP provider doesn’t have this data too… That was first thing I made after diagnosis problem. Any logs would not help there are so maybe we can get data that user put there?

We don’t store POST data.

ok, Thanks for your time.
Have a nice day!