How to pull updated code from github to netlify

I need advice to debug deploy Netlify App.

Need to deploy code from branch “BranchOne” from “GitHub - Gautampsingh/reactAPI-goutam: reactAPI-goutam”.

Github branch is already updated and now need to pull code from github to branch “BranchOne”

Hi, @gautam_prakash_singh, this is the error:

2:15:09 AM: ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/build/repo/package.json'

This is happening because there is no package.json in base directory for this site (which is the base of the repo currently):

If you add a package.json file to the base or if you change the base directory to a subdirectory of the repo with a package.json file, one of those should resolve the issue.

If there are other questions or if this doesn’t work, please let us know.