How to change admin path?

How to change admin path? to

You can host the Netlify CMS’ JS file anywhere and that would become your admin path.

For example, if you want the path to be /abc/, simply add the CMS’ JS file to that path along with the index.html. That would do it.

Maybe I’m a little bit wrong about the meaning. I want to change the login directory. Because is too predictable. By changing it, I will prevent any ideas from accessing

Yes, that’s what I meant. CMS will be available at the path you publish the JS files. So you could publish it at any path you want.

I saw the admin folder in /static but renaming the folder didn’t work

What was the error that you got?

I changed it but still access admin using Nothing changes

That’s not actually possible. Would you be able to share the repo?

gatsby-starter-foundation/static at main · obaviet/gatsby-starter-foundation (

I’ll check this in some time and revert.

You’re using this plugin:

Which automatically adds the path to admin.

You can change publicPath option for that plugin.

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