Help on form submission


Today i try to add form submission to my website. But unfortunetally it’s not working after many try.

i have followed this tutorial Build And Deploy An Angular Form With Netlify Forms And Edge — Smashing Magazine
in addition of the official documentation.

You can see my code on my git here GitHub - LePacko/Packorium

please help me i’ve start going crazy :slight_smile:

thanks by advence

i can find the submission in an other tab. But in the settings of my website in the tab form i saw 0/100 submission i don’t undestand why

Hiya, sorry you are having trouble getting your forms to work.

This Support Guide is the first port of call to debug any forms issues. Please start here and work through these resources!

We also recommend trying to search the forums or look at topics tagged Netlify forms if you haven’t already - it’s likely your question was already asked by someone else!

If you are still having problems, please provide more information such as what you have already tried, a link to your live form, your form name as it exists in the UI, etc. :slight_smile: