Having a dynamic thing inside htmls that is replaced for specific content each project

Hello, I’m looking to have 4 different domains for my website using pure HTML and I would like to know if there’s any suggestion of how to insert a dynamic variable into the HTML that’s replaced by specific setting on each site.

For example:

when I push it to github the variable %% SITEURL%% should be replaced by the project site url.

Any suggestion?

hi there @Felipe_Michelin ,

I don’t have an answer for you per se - i think that this is more of a question for a general programming or web-development support forum more than it is a netlify question.

I’m going to move your question to a different area of these forums - once you have created your websites the way you are describing, if you have difficulties deploying to netlify, you can post again and we will be happy to help.

Hi @Felipe_Michelin

Check out the Inject environment variable values of the documentation as I believe it serves the purpose you describe.