HandshakeException accessing API

netlify site name: cheerful-taffy-0e7fae
DNS: www.trolleymate.com.au
Accessing From: Android (Flutter)

When accessing my API from my Flutter app, I recieve the following Handshake Exception.

HandshakeException: Handshake error in client (OS Error:

I have tried just about every client side workaround without success.

  • making client use LetsEncrypt certs (.pem)
  • exporting my site cert (.pem) and making the client use it
  • silently ignoring cert issues with the badCertificateCallback hack.

My flutter app can connect fine to a local server running my API over https. Smells like a server problem. the site is enabled for https with lets encrypt and the cert is valid and has not expired.

here is full trace

_SecureFilterImpl._handshake at line 99
secure_socket_patch.dart in _SecureFilterImpl.handshake at line 143
secure_socket.dart in _RawSecureSocket._secureHandshake at line 920
secure_socket.dart in _RawSecureSocket._closeHandler at line 913
secure_socket.dart in _RawSecureSocket._eventDispatcher at line 856
zone.dart in _RootZone.runUnaryGuarded at line 1594
stream_impl.dart in _BufferingStreamSubscription._sendData at line 339
stream_impl.dart in _BufferingStreamSubscription._add at line 271
stream_controller.dart in _SyncStreamControllerDispatch._sendData at line 784
stream_controller.dart in _StreamController._add at line 658
stream_controller.dart in _StreamController.add at line 606
socket_patch.dart in new _RawSocket.<fn> at line 1943
socket_patch.dart in _NativeSocket.issueReadEvent.issue at line 1372
schedule_microtask.dart in _microtaskLoop at line 40
schedule_microtask.dart in _startMicrotaskLoop at line 49

Hi, @JavascriptMick. This is a request to debug the code you wrote which is not something we will do as covered in the scope of support documentation here:

Netlify will debug the code we write and the service we provide but not the code you write or the code written by third-parties.

If you believe there is a bug at Netlify, please provide complete instructions to reproduce the error.

Turns out i’m stoopid and was trying to talk to an https endpoint over port 80 instead of 443.