GTM Tags Not Firing Properly Across Page Navigation in Gatsby Site

Hi Gatsby Community,

We’re facing an issue with Google Tag Manager (GTM) integration on our Gatsby site. Specifically, the tags are not firing as expected when navigating between pages. Here are the details:

  • Problem: When navigating between pages in our Gatsby app, the GTM tags don’t seem to fire properly. This is reflected in the GTM dashboard, where tag events are not showing up after transitions between pages.
  • Context:
    • We’re using gatsby-plugin-google-tagmanager to set up GTM.
    • The tags appear to fire correctly on the initial page load, but navigating between pages using Gatsby’s built-in navigation (without full-page reloads) seems to prevent GTM from recognizing these changes.
    • Our setup includes enableWebVitalsTracking, but still, tag firing is inconsistent across page views.

Has anyone else encountered this issue or have any suggestions for how we can troubleshoot and resolve this?

We’d appreciate any help or insights the community could provide to resolve the issue!

Thanks in advance, Shubham Raut

Please open an issue with the plugin’s developers. This is not something we can help with.