Function timeout increase


Would it be possible to increase the timeout limit for please?

Our webhook usually completes in under 10 seconds, but every month we have a couple that time out, causing us to lose data. The higher the better (26s?), but 20s should be enough.

Thank you!

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Hi there edwin, we can definitely bump you up to 26 seconds, but you’ll need to be on the Pro tier for us to make that change.

If you let us know when you have upgraded, we can change the settings for you.

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Thank you Perry, I have upgraded to the Pro plan just now.


Hey there, @edwin :wave:

We have increased your functions limit. Happy building :rocket:

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Dear support team ,
Could you please increase my functions timeout of this ID site 40a3bb3f-0fea-48b7-a1ce-50b82607b128 to 20s as well
Thanks a lot

Hey @vUnAmp,

This is done.

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Hi guys, same here for site a3e983ad-c8da-4baf-8187-fea8819dd6c6 please. 30 secs if possible. BTW, would be great if we could set that in our toml files ourselves.

Hey there, @mwawrusch :wave:

Thanks so much for reaching out! I have extended your functions timeout to the limit, which is 26 seconds.

Additionally, I have sent your feedback to the Product team. Thanks so much!

Dear support team ,
Could you please increase my functions timeout of this ID site bright-platypus-3ebd07 to 20s as well
Thanks a lot

Hey there, @kumar :wave:

Thanks for reaching out! We can increase your functions timeout limit for you, but you’ll need to be on the Pro tier for us to make that change.

Once you make that change, follow up here and we will complete this change! Thanks!

Hello there @hillary @hrishikesh, we are experiencing the same issue and are on pro tier.

Could you please increase our function timeout to the limit asap?
SiteId: 58498120-b12b-4140-ac0a-d7bbb9074dee

Many thanks

This function has crashed

An unhandled error in the function code triggered the following message:
2022-07-21T07:12:54.345Z 2a1386f5-c696-4738-abde-90971bbec05b Task timed out after 10.04 seconds

Connection details

Netlify internal ID: 01G8FSM1PRHGFXS0QM6ZCX328T

@fool thank you for looking into this asap, our website in production is not working for over 2k pages and business is severely impacted Function timeout increase - #12 by matchspace

It’s done @matchspace.

@hrishikesh @fool we still observe the same issue and timeout after 10.3 sec
Is anything needed from our side? Could you review please?


Jul 22, 09:58:55 AM: 40b3dc97 Duration: 10032.48 ms Memory Usage: 337 MB
Jul 22, 09:58:55 AM: 40b3dc97 ERROR Task timed out after 10.03 seconds

This function has crashed

An unhandled error in the function code triggered the following message:
2022-07-22T07:58:55.509Z 40b3dc97-455e-42b0-8089-b325a230e9f5 Task timed out after 10.03 seconds

Connection details

Netlify internal ID: 01G8JEN10C4ZTZQCE1WN1YDCXD

Hi there,

Could you please increase my function timeout to 30s?
Matching siteID: 1c8934aa-002f-4bcc-a3d8-a8cab241725f

Did you re-deploy the site after the timeout increase?

Yours is done too. It’s upgraded to a maximum of 26 seconds.

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Hi! May I ask you to please increase my function limit to 26 seconds?

Site ID: e58ced52-dfd0-4bf9-84aa-2ba1cf8971ee

Hello, despite i’m not a Pro user, can my site get some more runtime seconds for the serverless functions?
siteId: 8f820e25-7f09-4d54-973d-6ab36b1db88e

Hey @peterjast, this has been done for you.

@afar-cmyk, unfortunately, the feature is for Pro and above, only :slight_smile: