Function Invocations Without a Label (Next.js 15.1.2)

Hello Team,

For my website I’m using Next.js 15.1.2. While reviewing the function metrics for the past 24 hours, I noticed an unusual pattern:

  • Invocations are logged under a row in the metrics table that has no label, and I cannot click on it to get more information.

The site uses partly Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) and partly Client-Side Fetching


  • What could be causing this invocations for the unlabeled entry?

Thank you for your help!

Hi @hiiampadik, I expect this to be a hidden function that powers the NextJS + Netlify integration though I may be wrong.

I’m escalating this to someone in the team to look at this further for you :slight_smile:


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This is currently a bug being worked on.

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Thank you for you quick response.
Have a nice day!