Required data:
Netlify site name: gifted-roentgen-22efff
Build problem? Indeed, providing logs in pastebin.
I’m following this guide (yeah I know it’s a bit old…)
Here is my flatmarket.json { "info": { "description": "Productos 100% naturales.", "name": "Bi -
My project is in Visual Studio Code
I have a .gitignore
My repository in Github is private (I guess it won’t affect the build) but it’s more or less based in this one which is the original: GitHub - christophercliff/flatmarket: A free, open source e-commerce platform for static websites.
I just run npm install, then I run this command which opens up a web server listening on port 8000.
.\node_modules.bin\flatmarket .\src\flatmarket.json --component .\node_modules\flatmarket-theme-bananas\index.jsx --stripe-secret-key sk_test_MYSECRETKEY --dev
You’ll probably notice that I’m running the command with backslashes, that’s because I’m using Windows 10 right now.
Locally it works, here is my local build log: PS C:\Users\serod\Documents\xan\tienda> .\node_modules\.bin\flatmarket .\src\fla -
Navigating to https localhost :8000 it just works.
To stop the server I can just control+c the terminal.
The part of the tutorial I’m struggling with is this one:
Step 5: Configure Your Settings
You will notice that configure deploys is slightly different in the current Netlify.
1st configuration:
Build command: node_modules/.bin/flatmarket ./src/flatmarket.json --component node_modules/flatmarket-theme-bananas/index.jsx --stripe-secret-key sk_test_SECRETKEY --dev
Publish directory: build
This is almost the same command I use in my local build but with normal slashes (/) instead of backslash ().
Here is the deploy log: 9:47:20 PM: Build ready to start9:47:22 PM: build-image version: ca811f47d4c1c -
It says building and after 30 minutes it fails due to timeout.
2nd configuration (same command as in the tutorial):
Build command: flatmarket --component ./node_modules/flatmarket-theme-bananas/index.jsx
Publish directory: build
This just fails with this error
ReferenceError: Unknown plugin “/opt/build/repo/node_modules/flatmarket-cli/node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx” specified in “base” at 0, attempted to resolve relative to “/opt/build/repo/node_modules/flatmarket-theme-bananas”
This is the log for the second deploy configuration: 9:52:44 PM: Build ready to start9:52:46 PM: build-image version: ca811f47d4c1c -
I tried multiple combinations, but it doesn’t seem to deploy.
I really hope I can get some support from you guys, thanks for your work.