Hello. Please increase the function timeout for ID: 8f4d3ca9-d692-4f1a-a90f-ea4c49c5a765
thanks for reaching out! I have increased your function timeout.
Hi can you upgrade this too?
I have increased your function timeout please re-deploy your site to see this take effect.
Hi @everyone ,
Good news! we’re now letting Netlify Functions run for up to 30 seconds, for everyone.
This has been a highly requested feature, especially since AI entered the scene so strongly. So now you can e.g. have your LLM stream back responses to the client via a serverless function, without worrying about going over the previous 10-second default.
It also means that if some of your server-rendered pages or API endpoints take a bit longer than the usual due to issues outside your control (say, a third-party API being slow), you’d experience less timeouts.
Have fun developing!