Extend timeout for Netlify functions request

Hi @gokaka-stsys,

Thanks for reaching out! I’ve increased the function time out to 26 seconds (the maximum) for the site. You’ll need to re-deploy for this change to take effect.

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Hi @Melvin, @hrishikesh I just joined the Pro Plan yet couldn’t manage to increase the timeout from 10 seconds to 26 seconds using the netlify.toml file and re-deploying the site.
Could you please help me to increase the timeout to 26 seconds for the my site?
Site ID: da153cd0-138e-46d1-88d8-0888a0de19ac
Thank you!

hi @Florian-Josselin-dev :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Netlify community! :partying_face: We’re so glad you found us! I have increased your site’s function timeout to the max (26s). Please re-deploy your site to see this take effect.

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Hi there, can you increase the timeout for the following site ID?



This is done, please re-deploy.

hello! Wanted to request a timeout increase for the following sites:


Hi @Cybercyrus,

Thanks for reaching out! I’ve increased the function time out for both sites to 26 seconds (the maximum). You’ll need to re-deploy the two sites for the change to take effect.

Hi there, can you increase the timeout for the following site ID?



hey @Robin_Zimmer1 ,

This has been done. Please redeploy when you have a chance to allow the changes to take effect.

Hello dear teachers i have a problem with my own domain techinfo.uz problem>> Another site is already using this domain. verified-for-netlify TXT done! I don’t know what else to do

Hi @NurMuhammad1988,

Thanks for reaching out! We’ve responded to your thread here: Problem: another site is already using this domain - #8 by Melvin Please refer to that thread in regards to your request. Note that it’s not necessary to open or post on multiple threads for the same issue.

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Hello Marcus,

Would you be kind enough to add my site ID map as well for the 26s upgrade? I just upgraded to the pro plan


Hi @anonymouspanda312,

Thanks for reaching out! I’ve increased the function time limit to 26 seconds for the site. You’ll need to re-deploy the site in order for this change to take effect.

Hello, please could you increase the timeout for the following site ID?



This is a Pro and above feature.

Can you please increase functions timeout to 26s for site ID f4342e3e-4d5e-4b41-9760-5944b69a097b ?
Thank you.

hi :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out! I can see your site is already at the max function timeout (26s). Please re-deploy if you don’t see this in effect.

Ah ok, that’s what I thought, but when debugging using the local Netlify functions dev server our functions are still timing out after 10 secs locally. I read on this forum that the timeout should reflect the Netlify server config automatically if the site is linked, which it is. Any idea how I can work around this?

This is my site Name: skillaxadmin
This is mu site ID: b5b2d2a1-a339-44c2-8065-f645d2393f43
I want to increase function time out

hello, thanks for reaching out. I have increased your function timeout to 26s. You need to re-deploy your site to see this take effect.